For contributors ================ You are welcome to contribute to the project either by requesting new topics, proposing ideas or getting involved in the development! - Engage with the maintainers and other TeachOpenCADD users in our `GitHub Discussions forum `_! - Submit new talktorials (see `Submitting new talktorials`_). - Update existing talktorials by fixing bugs or extending the content (see `Updating talktorials`_). - Help us maintain TeachOpenCADD (see `Maintaining talktorials`_). Submitting new talktorials -------------------------- This is a step-by-step guide on how to submit new talktorials. 1. Fork the repository: 2. Ask us for your talktorial index (our notebooks are indexed with T001, T002, ...). 3. Clone your fork:: git clone 4. Change into the cloned/downloaded ``teachopencadd`` folder:: cd teachopencadd 5. Checkout a new branch with your initials, talktorial index, and talktorial short title (e.g. ``ab-t099-fingerprints``):: git checkout -b ab-t099-fingerprints 6. Create ``toc-dev`` environment:: # Create environment with dependencies mamba env create -f devtools/test_env.yml -n toc-dev # On MacOS with M1 chip you may need CONDA_SUBDIR=osx-64 mamba env create -f devtools/test_env.yml -n toc-dev # Activate enviroment conda activate toc-dev # Pip install teachopencadd in editable mode cd .. pip install -e teachopencadd cd teachopencadd # Interact with the talktorials via e.g. Jupyter Lab jupyter lab If you add new dependencies to ``devtools/test_env.yml``, you will need to redo **step 6**. 7. Make a copy of the following template folder using your talktorial index and short name (example here is ``T099_fingerprints``:: cp -r teachopencadd/talktorials/T000_template/ teachopencadd/talktorials/T099_fingerprints 8. Replace all instances of ``T000_template`` or "T000 ยท Talktorial topic title" with your talktorial index and title. a. ``T099_fingerprints/talktorial.ipynb`` is the talktorial template (`see the example here `_), within which you develope your new talktorial. Please read through the template before you start as it contains a lot of information about the content and style requirements. b. You do not need to worry about updating ``T099_fingerprints/`` as we are autogenerating these READMEs with the first couple of sections of the notebook (see more details in `Maintaining talktorials`_). c. As the names suggest, the folders ``T099_fingerprints/data/`` and ``T099_fingerprints/images/`` can be used to store input/output data and images. Whenever possible, avoid adding files and instead fetch data/images by URL. Ask us if in doubt. 9. Push your new talktorial folder skeleton to your GitHub repository (replace ``T099_fingerprints`` and ``ab-t099-fingerprints`` with your own):: # Add folder git add teachopencadd/talktorials/T099_fingerprints/ # Commit changes git commit -m "T099: Add talktorial folder skeleton" # Push changes git push origin ab-t099-fingerprints 10. Create the pull request (PR) with our PR template: a. Go to your fork ```` and click "New pull request". b. Select the following: - ``base repository: volkamberlab/teachopencadd`` and ``base: master`` - ``head repository: your-github-name/teachopencadd`` and ``compare: ab-t099-fingerprints`` c. Click "Create pull request". d. When the PR description window opens, please copy-paste `the content of this PR template `_ into it. 11. Read through the PR description TODOs and check in with us if you have questions. Note: Many bullet points have to do with our maintenance efforts (see more details in `Maintaining talktorials`_). 12. Get started with developing your talktorials. Add your changes to the PR by following the procedure in **step 9**. 13. Ping us if you need help or are ready for the PR review. Thanks! Updating talktorials -------------------- This is a step-by-step guide on how to update existing talktorials. If you find an error in a talktorial or wish to extend the content of one, please follow these steps (example: updating talktorial ``T002_compound_adme``): 1. Fork and clone the ``teachopencadd`` repository and checkout a new branch as described in **steps 1-5** in `Submitting new talktorials`_, while **step 2** refers to the index of the talktorial you wish to update, e.g. ``T002_compound_adme``, and your new branch should be something descriptive like ``ab-t002-extend-adme-theory``. 3. Set up environment as described in **step 6** in `Submitting new talktorials`_. 2. Push your new branch to your GitHub repository (replace ``T002_compound_adme`` and ``ab-t002-extend-adme-theory`` with your own):: # Add folder git add teachopencadd/talktorials/T002_compound_adme/ # Commit changes git commit -m "T002: Extend ADME theory" # Push changes git push origin ab-t002-extend-adme-theory 3. Create PR as described in **steps 10 and 11** in `Submitting new talktorials`_. Some PR bullet points might not apply to your case, please use ``~`` (e.g. ``~some bullet point~``) to strike those through. 4. Ping us if you need help or are ready for the PR review. Thanks! Maintaining talktorials ----------------------- This is an overview about our TeachOpenCADD maintenance efforts. - Our `environment file `_ satisfies the dependencies for all TeachOpenCADD talktorials. This format might change in the future as discussed `here `_. - Our `GitHub Actions CI setup file `_ contains: - Notebook tests (``pytest``), which check if the notebook runs without errors and if cells flagged with ``# NBVAL_CHECK_OUTPUT`` produce the same output in the CI run as saved within the ``talktorial.ipynb`` file. Check under ``jobs.test`` the tested operating systems and Python versions. - Notebook formatting (``black-nb``), check under ``jobs.format``:: # Apply formatting to all talktorials black-nb -l 99 teachopencadd/talktorials/T*/talktorial.ipynb - Autogenerated READMEs, check under ``jobs.readmes``:: # Autogenerate all talktorials' README for path in teachopencadd/talktorials/T*/talktorial.ipynb; do python devtools/ --output $path done - Our `TeachOpenCADD website `_: - You can render the website locally (including your changes) as described in `our documentation README `_. - Please follow `these steps `_ if you wish to add new content. - We are cutting new releases as described in this `Discussion entry `_. - Our ``teachopencadd`` package lives with ``conda-forge``: - Whenever we cut a new GitHub release, we have to also cut a new ``conda`` release. - Refer to `"Maintaining packages" `_ and `these notes `_ for instructions on how to do this and ask @dominiquesydow for help. In order to cut a new ``conda`` release, you will need to update the recipe within our `teachopencadd feedstock `_.